Control System

For all applications Multronic uses the De-Tronic ECU (Electronic Control Unit). This is a flexible platform that allows Multronic to use only one controller for its wide range of applications.


SCRF combines the SCR and the DPF in one substrate.


Is the HWC – DHCPI followed by the SCR+


SCR with an efficiency of 40-60 %


SCR with an efficiency of 80-90 %


An active regeneration technology

Diesel Hydro Carbon Post Injection is a method to increase the exhaust gas temperature independent of the engine load. This is useful to enlarge the operational temperature window of high efficiency DPFs. A small quantity of diesel is injected into the exhaust gases in front of the activation module. The diesel hydrocarbon and the O2 present in the diesel exhaust gas react exothermically to generate the heat required for the oxidation of the collected soot.
Multronic supplies 2 types of HC injection systems.

  • DHCPI MV for small and light duty engines. Injection is by means of a high pressure metering pump and an electrically heated vaporizer installed in the exhaust system.
  • DHCPI WC-1 for large and heavy duty engines. Injection is by means of a high pressure pump and a water cooled injector installed in the exhaust system.


The HW-DHCPI is an effective and highly durable technology for eliminating diesel particulate (soot), hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide from diesel exhaust gases. The DHCPI (diesel hydrocarbon post injection module) has been developed to allow the fitting of high efficiency DPF technology in complex situations where exhaust gas temperature is low.

With passive systems, diesel particulate matter collected in a soot trap must be constantly oxidized by a passive catalytic reaction. This reaction, “oxidation of soot”, will only take place within a specific temperature window and under specific conditions of NOx and O2 content in the exhaust gases. The temperature window, whereby the conditions for a catalytic oxidation of soot are met, is between 260 and 450°C.

In many applications the driving or user profile is such that this temperature window is not achieved frequently enough and soot will be only partially oxidized. The fraction that is not oxidized is collected or stored in the filter device resulting in, over time, a high pressure drop or a complete clog up of the exhaust system.

Therefore it is necessary to artificially raise the temperature in the filter system to guarantee regeneration: active regeneration. The HW-DHCPI is the same technology as used in million OEM passenger cars and heavy duty applications around the world.